How to write high-quality papers?
Although not everyone can write like classics or professional writers, you can learn to create essays quickly and professionally. From this article, you will learn about some of the techniques that will help you do this.
Every person who can write, for example, an eminent writer, an ordinary journalist or just a blogger, would like to spend less time for the writing process and create high-quality texts at the same time. Especially this issue is relevant for those people who earn a living by writing because their earnings directly depend on the speed and quality of writing. And although not everyone can create literary works as fast as classics, it’s quite possible to learn how to work quickly and professionally. From this article, you will learn about some of the techniques that will help you do this.
Prepare materials before work, but not during writing
If you have to write material on a topic that requires a great number of additional references, quotes, facts, and illustrations, then try to prepare them before you start writing. There are more chances to get distracted from the process while searching for the proper resources and information. You click the link for some information, and then you find something else, go to a completely different site and as a result return to your text within a few hours. It is unacceptable.
Do you have an outline?
This is one of the best ways to save your time and create a readable and informative material. Write a plan. No matter how clearly you can keep in mind the topic and content of the future material, write a brief outline in advance. These can be section titles, basic thoughts, keywords, it is up to you. The main thing is that you must outline in advance the facts you are going to discuss and rules you will adhere to. This will save your time and make your text coherent.
Proceed with writing without hesitation
One of the biggest mistakes that lie in wait for us in the writing process is the tendency to do everything properly and clear on the first try. We try to create a perfect text immediately, use the correct phraseological units and come up with biting sharp wits in a wink. As a result, we work on every paragraph for hours, rewrite sentence by sentence, expand it or delete irrelevant information. In general, we got stuck for hours, while inspiration has already left us behind this routine fuss.
Therefore, if you feel a creative urge, do not stop for a minute and keep writing. Let it be clumsy or incomprehensible, but you immediately write down all the thoughts that you have in mind. And then you will return to your notes and improve your text, bringing it to perfection.
Set the timer
A timer is a great thing. Perhaps not everyone loves it, but there is not a single person who would not be using this method. Simply set the timer to 15, 20, 25 minutes and write, without distracting by anything, until the time expires. As soon as this happened, then get up off a chair and take a break. This technique is called “Pomodoro”, and it really works for people who work in the office and do not want to waste time on distraction.
Stop clicking Backspace
Do you know why this key is so large on all keyboards? Because it is one of the most frequently used key! We use too much time to delete irrelevant words or sentences using ‘backspace’. Furthermore, we spend our precious time and delay the editing process. We make hundreds of needless keystrokes. Stop doing it. Just learn the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + Shift + ←.
Remember hotkeys
If you write a lot and want to do it faster, then you still cannot avoid this. Just notice how much time it takes to format the headers, put in italics, add links and pictures using the toolbar buttons and how much faster it is to use hot keys. Do not waste your time on learning all options, just select the operations that you use most often, and replace them by hot keys.
Errors, commas, links, foreign words
Oops, I made a mistake in this word! You need to stop writing, come back to that word and correct the mistake. Then, you try to remember what you were writing about. You spend too much time to continue writing again. The same happens when you try to spell foreign words and add references. Each time, thinking about the right spelling for a foreign word or looking for a proper citation, you interrupt your flow of creativity. Therefore, the editing of your text must be the last step in the writing process. Then you can correct all errors, add citations and format referencing list.
Edit, take a break and edit again
After you have finished writing the text and put the final point, the writing process is not completed yet. It is most likely that you have completed only half of it. Now you have to fix all the errors, put punctuation marks, delete irrelevant information and repetitions. After you finished editing grammatical and punctuation mistakes, take some rest or go for a walk. After a while, read your text with a fresh look and check if it is readable and understandable. After that you can sit back and relax, because the writing is finished.
Our Editing team hopes that these professional secrets can help you create perfect papers in the shortest time possible. However, if you feel that you need an expert’s assistance in essay editing or writing you may apply for professional help. offers high quality academic writing for students as well as meticulous editing of the written texts.
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