
Why is it important to write out quotes from books?


Reading is an integral part of High School, College and University life. That is why the editors from Get Essay Editor feel a necessity to write about this process and its benefits. We hope that this article will help you to enjoy your studying process and enrich your writing and editing skills.

If you regularly write out interesting ideas, quotes and remarks, in a few years you will have your own book of wisdom, which can help you in any situation. People have written out wise quotes for many centuries. The manuscripts of such famous figures as Marcus Aurelius, Petrarch, Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, have already became a public fare. As for the today’s world, it is worth mentioning Bill Gates, who writes out different notes about from the books he likes into his blog “The Gates Notes”.

“We should write down not the old phrases or metaphors invented by philosophers, but useful advices and noble, courageous statements that can immediately be translated into reality” – Seneca.

How to do it right? There are a few useful advices that may be helpful for you.

  • Read about everything and anything. This is the best way to find the most interesting things and statements.
  • When reading, mark everything that attracts your attention: separate phrases, whole paragraphs, interesting stories. Do not be afraid to fold down the corners of the pages, highlight excerpts that you would like to re-read in future. You can use a pencil or a highlighter.
  •  Make notes in the margins while reading. This is a kind of conversation with the author and the book, which is called marginal notes or side notes. Do not be afraid to criticize, hesitate and admire! Note everything that enters your head.
  • Write out wise thoughts, but not facts. The core of these statements is not to collect information, but to accumulate different advices that can encourage or inspire you in different life situations.
  • When you finished reading the book, put it aside for a week. Gut the content of the book. Then review all the marked places or notes in the margins and rewrite them to your notebook.
  • Keep records on a paper/ in a notebook. Of course, it is easier to keep favorite citations on a laptop or in a special web application, for example, but easier does not mean better. When we spend time on rewriting words on paper, we are more likely to get benefit from them. Long excerpts can be typed on the computer and printed.
  • If you do not like the idea to keep notes in a notebook, you can use small paper cards. Write out citations and sort them by categories.
  • Do not worry about organizing your records, at least at the beginning. Write out what is important to you, and the categories will eventually appear by themselves.
  • Do not store too much books. Try to write out the phrases you like in a week after reading the book. If you get a huge pile of books marked, the “making quotes” routine will turn into a tedious duty, which you would like to escape.
  • Write out not only quotes from books, but also phrases from conversations, movies, your own thoughts and observations.
  • Apply the records in your life situations. Even if you are not a journalist or a writer, you can use these citations when writing messages, letters, notes, congratulations, when giving advices, during conversations with your friends and relatives. All these examples are excellent opportunities to apply the wise thoughts that you met while reading.
  • Start right now! Do not postpone it until later, finding excuses.

Amazing quotes from books

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