Essay Editing: What Editors Do
Online essay editing is a relatively new trend in academic writing and has many advantages. First and the most convincing argument for using essay editing services is their availability. Every student from any country on the planet can order best essay editing services just by making a few clicks on his computer. It makes essay editing so simple and takes so little time. Speed is another advantage of online essay editing. Your essay can be edited within 12 hours or even faster if it is necessary for you. One more strong point of online essay editing services is their price. Get Essay Editor has very customer friendly pricing policy, because most of the customers are students who cannot afford to pay too much for editing.
What does an editor do?
Editors say that people often ask them: what does an editor do? While the answer is so simple and obvious for the editors themselves, it is not so for people who have nothing to do with writing or editing business. The answer to this question can be different depending on who asks it. If it’s a pupil who thinks about becoming an editor when he grows up, he wants to hear about different aspects of the profession and life-style. If it is a baker from the corner shop, he might just be curious if an editor works in an office, if his job is hard. But if this question is asked by a college or high school student who needs some help with fixing his essay, the answer will be totally different. Moreover it is very reasonable for such a student to want to know how editing works so he could understand and decide whether he needs such a service. And today we will try to answer this question as best as we can to help you to make a right decision.
Editing process: step by step
It is normal for a student who orders essay editing service to want to understand how editing works. Let us try to look at editing process more closely step by step, so you could feel secure and comfortable with using essay editing services from Get Essay Editor company.
Editing is a multilayered process. It requires a lot of attention, precision and perfect command of all language aspects. Editing doesn’t happen in one go and includes many elements, such as:
- Grammar. You may have fantastic ideas and be very creative in your writing, but have poor grammar knowledge. Or vise versa you could be a grammar geek but have troubles with putting your thoughts onto paper. In any of these cases a good editor will be able to help you. Perfect grammar is essential for all types of academic papers and essays in particular, since essay is the most creative type of academic writing. Unfortunately it is very easy to miss grammatical errors in your essay and as a result your great ideas will be wasted because of the bad writing. In most of the cases students miss those mistakes because they cannot spot them, because they don’t know there is a particular rule for that language aspect. Therefore it is crucial that an essay is edited before submitted to the professor. But there is good news, now essay editing is more available than it has ever been. Just upload your document on Get Essay Editor website and promptly you will receive your essay edited. Our editors use “track changes” option, so you will be able to see for yourself what changes were made in your paper
- Punctuation. Punctuation might seem like such a little and insignificant part of language. And in fact, many people write without using any punctuation marks whatsoever. It may be fine in informal messaging between friends but completely unacceptable in academic writing. Most of the world languages have almost identical punctuation marks, such as commas, full stops, colons and semi-colons. But the way they are used differ from language to language. This is where many international students make mistakes in their English essays. They write applying punctuation marks as they would do in their own language, but English has different rules of punctuation. You can try to learn how to punctuate in English or simply trust a professional editor to place your commas in right places;
- Spelling. It looks like the easiest problem when writing an essay. Every modern student who has a computer with the Internet connection knows that he can use an online spellchecker. But most of them don’t realize that mechanical spellchecker is not a human, so it cannot understand the meaning of your writing. The word you wrote could be spelled correctly but have a wrong meaning. These words are called homophones and only a human editor can spot such mistake. Just look at the following examples: Miners retire early due to the hazardous nature of their work. — Minors retire early due to the hazardous nature of their work. In both cases spellchecker machine will not see a mistake in any of these sentences, but their meaning is totally different. Only eyes of human editor can save your essay from such embarrassing misspellings;
- Word usage. This layer of editing work concerns the proper choice of words. An editor will help you to choose the right words for your academic paper. It involves a close work with thesaurus and search for the words that will convey the meaning in the best way. You might be able to use some words in regular writing and they would convey the meaning well, but academic writing requires a particular word choice and a good editor can help you with getting your words right;
- Style. Every writer has his own writing style. It is the way our personality reflects on our writing. An editor will help you to discover your own voice in writing and bring it out. Apart from the creative aspect of writing there are also formal writing styles and they must be strictly followed in academic writing. Our editors can revise your work and edit in such way that will meet a particular referencing style such as: APA, Chicago, MLA, Harvard and others. You can also share the formatting guidelines from your university and we will edit your essay accordingly;
- Bigger aspects. Writing also has some major aspects that can never be fixed or noticed by mechanical online editing software. Such elements include: structure of your writing, its logic, consistency, facts and plot. An experienced editor will see in the depth and help to bring focus into your writing. Editing could be especially helpful to you if you write fiction and non-fiction books, because it is crucial to keep a story or narrative line consistent and cohesive. If you are involved in this type of creative writing, our article about book editing techniques will be useful for you.
Essay editing service online
Editing is a complex process. To make a paper flawless editor must follow through the number of steps. Good editing consists of many layers, and each subsequent layer deals with smaller more subtle mistakes. Editing essays has never been as convenient as it is now with Get Essay Editor. Place an order and see all advantages of online essay editing service for yourself. Visit our blog where you can find many informative articles on the craft of writing and editing, as well as free samples of essays.